
Chess steps method
Chess steps method

chess steps method

On the left, the white queen is attacking the black queen. At right, the rook 'eyes up' not only all the squares marked with a plus, but also the black knight. On the left, the rook 'eyes up' the squares marked with a plus. The king can move to 8 different squares from c3. The king moves straight or diagonally, but only one square at a time. The king can move to all the squares marked with a cross.

  • The bishop and the knight are equally strong.
  • The rook has a lower valué than the queen, but is still stronger than the other pieces.
  • The knight can move to 8 different squares from d4. The knight moves one square straight and one square diagonally. The knight can move to all the squares marked with a plus. The queen can move to 27 different squares from e5. The queen moves straight, diagonally, forwards or backwards. The queen can move like a rook, and like a bishop. The queen can move to all the squares marked with a plus. The bishop can move to 13 different squares from d5. The bishop moves diagonally, forwards or backwards. The bishop can move to all the squares marked with a plus. The rook can move to 14 different squares from e4. The rook moves straight, forwards, backwards, or sideways. The rook can move to all squares marked with a plus. Moves of the pieces All the pieces move in their own way on the chessboard. Once again the white player makes the first move. Iáláiáiá In the diagram the board is shown from the viewpoint of the black player. Notice where the white queen is standing. White always begins a game he makes the first move. We view the position from the side of the white player. The pieces on the board should be set up like this. The longest diagonals consist of eight squares. The shortest diagonals are only two squares long (e.g. All eight files and eight ranks are equally long.Īll squares al, b2, c3, d4, e5, f6, g7 and h8 lie on a diagonal (slanting Une). All squares with an h (hl through h8) are on the h-file. Files ('columns') go from bottom to top and are indicated with letters.

    chess steps method

    All squares with number 5 are on the fifth rank. All squares with number 1 (al, bl, el, di, el, fl, gl and hl) are on the first rank.

    chess steps method

    Ranks ('rows') go from one side to the other. In this diagram all the ñames are indicated in the squares. The board is positioned correctly when a white square is in the lower right hand córner 'white on right'. In chess language they are called white and black squares. The step by step method consists of six steps.The chess board consists of squares. Chess-Steps is praised as one of the most innovative chess instructional programs in the world and is used by some of the best chess teachers in New York City. A large number of schools and chess clubs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria use this method for their chess lessons. The step-by-step method has been developed by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children to play chess. In the meantime, give some of these tips a try: Scan back and forth along each row of the letter grid, looking for the first letter in a word. If you already have a solving method for word search puzzles that works for you, consider adding it to the following list.


    Learning chess, chess steps is a step by step method for teaching and learning chess the combination of workbook and manual creates a school like situation all lessons are structured and contain clear goals.


    Author: Cor van Wijgerden Pages: 204 Publication Years: Chess Steps Method Pdf Download Rob Brunia Learning Chess – Step 3 PDF See also ‘Learning Chess – Workbook Step 3’. The books are written in such a way that the actual level of the teachers chess knowledge is of lesser importance.


    The answers of the workbook exercises can be found within the manuals too. The manuals contain complete scripted lessons for the teacher, as well as aids that address the learning stages and development of children. Each step has a workbook with exercises and summaries for the student and an accompanying manual for the teacher / trainer / parent. This step by step method consists of six steps. It spread throughout Europe and is now available world wide. Embraced by the Royal Dutch Chess Federation Chess-Steps became the single most popular method in The Netherlands. Chess-Steps was developed in 1987 by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden in order to teach children to play chess. Manual Step 3 of world’s leading teaching method in chess.

    Chess steps method